
Pet Microchipping From Your Veterinarian in Summerfield, NC

Are you considering microchipping your pet? The number of pet owners taking advantage of this procedure is growing. Microchipping a pet significantly increases the odds of returning home if lost or stolen. Most owners are surprised at how quickly our vets can perform the procedure. If you are interested, schedule an appointment today with The Animal Hospital At Lake Brandt in Summerfield.

Peace of Mind

As many as 8 million animals enter U.S. shelters every year. Just 20% of dogs make it home to their owners. For cats, the figure drops to 2 percent. The biggest benefit of pet microchipping is peace of mind. The odds of missing pets returning to their families are much greater when they are microchipped.

Many owners also appreciate the fact that the microchip is basically maintenance-free once our veterinarians have implanted it. After submitting initial contact information to the manufacturer’s registry, an owner only needs to make sure that it stays current. Also, it is a better way to convey contact information than using a detachable collar or tag, which can fall off after wear and tear. We can implant the chip during your animal’s wellness visit or at another appointment. Inserting a microchip is a quick, harmless process.

The Microchipping Process

A glass cylinder houses a microchip, which is an electronic component roughly the shape and size of a grain of rice. Microchipping a pet just take seconds.

Your vet uses a hypodermic needle to implant the chip under the skin of the pet. In most cases, insertion is between the pet’s shoulder blades. Your companion animal may feel a small pinch, similar to when he or she is getting a vaccination shot.

The manufacturer encodes each microchip with a unique number. When a lost animal is taken to a veterinary practice or shelter, a staff member uses a scanner to find the microchip. If found, the unique number will appear, making it possible to match the animal with its owner.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Vets in Summerfield

Our veterinarians at The Animal Hospital At Lake Brandt in Summerfield uses their medical experience and knowledge to provide the best care possible for each pet that comes to our animal hospital.

To schedule a microchipping appointment for your furry friend, or if you have any questions about this procedure, call us at (336) 643-2229.

Why Choose Us?

The Animal Hospital at Lake Brandt - full-service veterinary practice

We Are AAHA Accredited

We Are Dedicated to Provide the Finest Veterinary Care

We Provide Full Service in One Location

Long Term Supporters & Providers of the Local Rescue, Red Dog Farm


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Hours & Location

Monday – Friday: 7:00 am-6:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

1012 NC Hwy 150 W
Summerfield, NC 27358

(336) 643-2229

Serving Your Pet's Every Need at One Convenient Location

Providing your pet with any service they may need, big or small, since 2006. We are here for you.